Uh-oh. Itchy from a cheat.

Hi Lady,
Just want you to know I loved the book but something is making me worry. I found a great guy and I think I really like him, but there's a problem. I kind of made it with him a couple of times, and it was great. He was a little reluctant to get more serious, but I took control and now he's been with me like a puppy dog for 2 months. The last couple of days though, if you know what I mean, I've had an annoying itch in my privates. He is very cute and I'm worried he's not been so forthright about his relationships with other women. Should I get checked out?
Jenna, itchy in Dallas.

Hi Jenna,
You're not going to like this post. You have something, and he got it recently. He is "very cute?" Sounds like a player cute boy. Is he over six feet? Good looking? Single? Get out of high school, girl, your "cute" boy rubbed another girl's bugs on you. One thing about the pretty boys, everybody wants them, and who knows what bugs they got. Try to make him pay for the clinic, dear. Watch him balk and lie. Sorry, told you you wouldn't like my reply. Don't "date" what the television tells you to. Grow up. Or die with bugs.