Boy crazy. Yawn.

Dear Miss Lorrington,
I can't seem to stop thinking or talking about guys. I'm almost thirty, and every time I talk to one of my friends or one of my "guy" friends, ( i have a lot of gay friends) it's always about guys! I just noticed this. Maybe a few work things and stuff, but it always comes back to guys. I also am never satisfied with my boyfriends. I like them for about six months before I'm thinking about another guy. The only boyfriends I still want are the ones that dumped me. Is this normal? I dream of having that perfect guy. Then I end up sleeping with some guy just on a fling. I go out with him a couple of times, then freak out about sleeping with a complete stranger. Can you make something of this?

Hey Barbara. Nice to see something new. (sarcasm). Really, I get a little annoyed with letters like this, Barbara. Look at yourself, you're almost thirty. I think you're taking this "liberated woman" thing a bit too far. Sex and the City is a television show, not a lifestyle. You are kind of betraying our lovely gender by having no sense of responsibility. I'm not a prude, but we'll never advance to the levels of accomplishments we as women aspire to if we can't keep our thoughts directed on something other than guys. The simple psychology of dominance is overshadowing your soul's purpose in life. You pine over a guy that dumps you? He is dominant. You're bored with what you have? You are dominant. This is patriarichal in context (fatherly), and dominance is the central theme of war and destruction. Protection of the womb is one thing, but this dominance thing is out there just to ruin everyone's day. When dominance is rewarded, the neanderthal notion of ownership starts it's cycle from square one, again and again. Dominance can be beauty, wealth, many things. It's not at the heart of a person's soul, it's merely a part of earthly life. The more developed soul recognizes this as such, and doesn't pay extreme amounts of attention to it.
Do I get annoyed when 95% of any conversation I pass on the street between women is about a guy or some guy? Yes. We have to get a better grip on things, girls. There is no perfect prince, we are all created equal. Respect and maturity is the end game, so our children can learn it from somewhere. Read the book, "Don't bet on the Prince". Next letter please. You made me a little mad, Barb.