Train wreck!

Ms Lorrington-
I have wanted to ask someone about a certain thing that seems to happen a lot. I recently broke up with my boyfriend because I had an affair. It was a messy breakup. I got pregnant from another guy and my boyfriend, who I love dearly, freaked out.
I don't know why I went for this other guy. I was very happy with my great boyfriend, but my fantasies got the better of me. You see, I make a long commute to work by train every day, about 1-2 hours. I made friends with this guy on the train, and we would talk or nap together on the way to work, our heads sometimes falling on each other's shoulders. After awhile, I would miss him if he wasn't on the train. I told him and he said the same thing.
Well, we started sleepily kissing each other goodbye almost every morning, and I got really comfortable doing this. I think with all the lazy napping and kissing, I started to have "train fantasies" about him.
One day, we were talking about the movie "Secretary", that we had both seen with our respective mates. We agreed that playful [edited] was a turn on, and as we talked, I started getting really hot.
He said he loved to [edited] a woman while she had him [edited, edited!], alternately [edited and edited] her. I flipped. At work, I was spaced out and wet all day.
The next day I got on the train and sat next to him, he was napping. I got hot and wet immediately thinking of him [edited] and [edited] me. He woke up and kissed me lightly hello. I almost slid off the seat. I said I had to use the loo, and kissed him back. Then I made a fatal mistake. I whispered in his ear, come with me. He looked out the window for a minute, then motioned to go.
We discreetly slipped into the large train loo and started [I decided to edit this whole damn paragraph out, let me tell you, it was pretty hot, but this ain't no porn site], trying to keep quiet.
The next few weeks were a frenzy of trysts in the train. I was so excited to get my morning [edit] and ensuing hot loving by this virtual stranger.
Well, the rest of the story is obvious. I told one of my girlfriends I was pregnant by this guy and my world was falling apart. She said, "been there, done that. So has so and so, so and so, etc." Whoa! Lady, is this a common thing? What is it about the train thing? Why is it so romantic that people have experiences like this? It ended up tearing apart my world, but I couldn't help myself. Now my relationship is in the toilet.
thanks, Molly the train cheat.

Molly Molly Molly. Are you Anais Nin? You should write for a porn mag, you slut. But the train thing IS very common. Ask Carly Simon. She threw J.T. away for a "ride" on the train. So did my friend's mother. She married my friend's father after "meeting" him on the train on the way to her WEDDING to another guy! So yes, you got caught up in the train "wreck". I bet it has something to do with the lazy motion of the train, the romantic connotaions from movies, all sorts of stuff. Plus, bathrooms on a train are usually very large and can accomodate such fantasies. One thing I noticed, there's more flourescent lighting on trains now. I bet it's to put the brakes on all the hanky panky. Flourescent lighting equals zero romance. Must be to lighten the load on the cleanup crew.
Your boyfriend is hurt, and he has every right to be. He was being beautiful and you responded by being a slut. If he takes you back, you won't think much of him, subconciously. He needs to give you a long timeout, girl. You could probably make it up to him by letting HIM [edited] your cheating butt and then letting him put his "hotness" up your stinking [edited], then in your best friend's [edited] while you watch, tied up to the kitchen table. Otherwise, YOU SCREWED UP. Take it slow and maybe he can love you again. Good luck. ALL ABOARD!