She's over Rover

Dear Lady L,
Love your blog! A friend emailed me the letter about the apartment building problem, and I got addicted to your site. [Too close to home, 10/28 -LL] I have sort of a similar problem that's compounded by my boyfriend's dog.
I really like the guy, it's been six months of good guy, good sex, he's got a job (as opposed to many of the losers I've "dated") and so on. Now I have to make a decision whether to continue this or not. I think he's great and all, but his dog is a [edited] jerk!
His name (the dog) is Andy, and boy what an almost perfect name. It should be Randy.
It all started when my guy took me to his house the first time. I had to meet this mutt, he's a large dog, I don't know what breed. We get there and my guy says "meet Andy. Come on boy, say hello." The dog just sits there and growls. My guy says "don't worry, he'll get used to you" I'm like, right. Could you lock it in the basement or something? We get cozy in front of a DVD and in a matter of minutes the dog's nose is digging hard in my crotch. I'm like Hey! stop that. My guy says in a wimpy way, "Andy, be nice." I'm like, do I put it down with a kitchen knife right now? Then the dog just stares at us growling real soft.
Well, we start to make out and the dog growls a little louder. I ask my guy to put him out of the room or something. He takes him to the kitchen and makes him some food. We start to go at it a little harder and my guy takes me to bed.
We're doing the nasty for a while and we both "finish". I roll over and there's Andy staring at my naked body. I pull the covers over me and hide behind my guy.
I fall asleep for a little, and wake up to a strange feeling. I kind of thought my guy was trying to [edit] me in his sleep, but as I got awake I realize it's the [edited] dog on top of me! I'm on my stomach, the covers are off, I'm completely naked and there's Andy, his full weight on me trying to [edit] me! I actually felt him get close! I freaked and screamed my guy was in the bathroom or something. My guy comes out of nowhere and pushes the dog off me, I was crying and screaming what the[edit]!, what the [edit]! I got up and put on my clothes. I lay down again, but did not sleep one wink.
In the morning I'm like, I don't ever want to see that dog again. My guy throws together breakfast, we both had to work. The dog comes into the kitchen, and my guy gives him a whole plate of food. I'm like, what? Then the doorbell rings. It's the "girl from down the hall" with her dog. My guy lets her in and the two dogs stick their noses in each other's butts. I look at the girl, she says Hi, I'm Jenna. She's talking to my guy, how's it going, I'll bring him back in an hour, blah blah. I'm like, whoa, she has a key? I don't like it. I don't say a thing.
I make my guy put the dog in the other room when I'm over there after that, and he hates to do it. I'm like, you want some? Put the rapist dog in the other room. He would growl from the other side of the door.
Well, I'm getting tired of this dog crap.
I went to see the guy last week and walked past the park on the way. There's "girl next door" in the park with the two dogs, saying "good girl, good girl" with a glazed look in her eyes as my guy's dog humps the crap out of her dog. She's just kneeling and staring, rubbing her neck with her hand. I was so weirded out, I just turned around and went home.
I went a couple of times with the guy since then, but haven't gone back to his place. I won't go anywhere with that dog or that girl around. We have a good time, but always out or at my place. I think I'm sick of the whole situation.
What gives? Can I make it work? Should I break up?

Hi Kathy. How old is this guy? It sounds like he's nesting and bonding. He's formed an attachment to an animal, and you're competing with that attachment. Recognize your feelings about competing first so you can make a rational decision.
Animals are very capable of simple emotions. This dog is a big jealous horny alpha creature, the kind of creature I make it a habit NOT to date. (in the human form, that is.) He's jealous of your relationship, doesn't want to share his "love", (your guy), yet he also wants to boink everything including you, and thinks he deserves it. I know so many guys like this. And girls, too. It's an animal, though, and isn't capable of respect unless someone clobbers it. (again, like alot of humans, too.)
I think the girl is also running against you. She wants her dog to get boinked by this Andy randy dog and is conveniently doing the "matchmaking". She's after your guy. He loves the attention, and thinks he deserves it. Sound familiar?
Time to clobber all of them, Kathy. Go out with him less and tell him about an old boyfriend or someone coming into the picture. The reaction will tell you if you should stick around or not. If you are in love with him, just lessen the frequency of contact, until you are balanced enough to make a good decision. If he's a good guy, it will change. If he's a jerk, then so be it. You are just an extra piece of meat around that house. You deserve much better. Take it slow and control the situation. Hope that helps some. WOOF! WOOF!