Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Pill

Dear Miss L,
I have a boyfriend and I recently started taking the pill so we could have more fun. (for me, really, I just love, or, used to love semen, for some reason I got hot just thinking about it, but, read on, things have changed) Something is a little off, though. It was alright at the beginning and I got off on it, but after only a few days I started losing interest in any sex at all. Nothing gets me aroused. Also, my boyfriend is saying that I'm like a completely different person. I am irritable and losing weight fast, I'm already pretty skinny. I also find myself looking at other men, ones completely different than the ones I am usually attracted to, like my boyfriend. (who I know I love, but it's just different, I can't put my finger on it.)All of a sudden, I am thinking of breaking up with him and becoming a nurse, going back to school. We argue all the time now, and I hit him for the first time ever. He said I needed help, I think I really hurt his feelings. I don't know if I care about him anymore, I just want to be a nurse now. He's screaming at me to get off the pill, but I don't know if I want to. Even though I don't want sex right now, I feel safer and want to see if I can get my sex drive back. Though I don't seem to like semen any more. Can you make something of this? Is there something wrong that I've changed my mind so much?

Hi Johanna. What you don't know is that the "pill" is one of the most dangerous and life altering drugs on the legal market today. There has been much hush hush research going on to the effect of just how dangerous it is. The pill immediately changes the balance of your hormonal system. This system is part of your glandular, or endocrine system. The endocrine system is considered the "black box" of medicine, and endocrinologists are still fooling around with the delicate balance of this system. (like alchemists!) They are very far from understanding ideal balances that affect everything from eating disorders, behavior modifications, and certain preferences, including moods and sex drive. As well as every physical aspect of your being and thought patterns. The rush to market was very premature, but the drug companies know that women prefer unprotected (bareback) sex, so they could turn a profit easily. The pill affects each woman in a radically different way, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but we don't even know what other things are being affected while taking it.
It sounds like the pill has radically changed you. This "nurse" thing could be hormonal too, the urge to give care to others in a big way.
Yes, you're boyfriend is probably right, and the pill has you by the neck and wants you to be on it. You are being stubborn (or possibly even obstinate) about it, probably another mood change caused by this little devil. I'm all for birth control if it doesn't interfere with a normal functioning human, but I also think the drug companies have a powerful lobby in Washington.
For you, Johanna, get off that particular brand right now, and explore other options. This little dirty pill is making a Jekyl and Hyde out of you. Apologize to your boyfriend when you come down from this "trip" and treat him REAL special for awhile. Hope this helps.